Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thoroughly Good Blog

They won`t buy the idea. I know they won`t. If I was them I`d spot this shameless endeavour to blag a press lead to the Eurovision Song Contest a knot off.

Those people at the BBC are busy people. They haven`t got time to be bothering with cold calls from licence fee payers. That`s what the complaints line is for.

"Hello BBC switchboard?

I stood on one base and scratched the support of my leg with the other. A cigarette dangled from in between my fingers.


I took a deep breath and plunged in.

"I want to talk to the manufacturer for Liquid News. Can I address to the manufacturer for Liquid News."

The argument went dead. I dragged on my Marlboro Light.

"Andrew speaking."

This was it. No turning back.

"Hello. My list is Jon Jacob. I`m working on a word around the Eurovision Song Contest. A story of it. No one seems to make written one. I wondered whether the BBC might be concerned in it. Do you love who I might talk to? I`ve really no idea."

Telephone conversations should be reserved for confirming arrangements. Effecting introductions late on a warm day in early Spring via the call are just release to be uncomfortable experiences for all concerned. Having received similar calls since working at the BBC I don`t get to remember heavily about the look on Andrew`s face.

"Well," he began, "I go on Liquid News but do love the Eurovision producer very well. I`ve done various live link-ups for Liquid News. I was in Estonia for last year`s contest _ "

This was rapidly turn into rather a surreal conversation. Suddenly my opening rather anxious gambit appeared forgivable in comparison. Shouldn`t people at the BBC be a little more focussed?

"_ You want to talk to Dominic Smith. He should be capable to serve you."

I lit another Marlboro Light.

"Hello. BBC Switchboard?"

This is a pass in the park. Easy.

"Dominic Smith, please."

"Dominic Smith?"

"That`s right. Dominic Smith. Eurovision."

"Please make the line sir."

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