Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hoping everyone is enjoying a bit of well-deserved time off from the everyday routine! Goddess Granny likes a good long weekend even better than an actual vacation because you try to jam a LOT of things into a short stop of metre and I really do believe in the "I'll sleep when I'm dead!" philosophy! SO often to do and learn, and see and try.

am getting Such a flush out of watching my totally non-tech man take to navigate the new ipad I gave him for his recent birthday:he's like a baby with a new box of 64 crayons and there are actually sound effects like,"Gee, WOW, Damn.will you looking at THAT!" involved) I think we sometimes become jaded to the wonders of now and it's refreshing when someone discovers a bright new product for the 1st time. It also inspires me to try something new so on the subject of bright new products, I give one in my sparkly coral Shellac-tipped fingers that is VERY new and VERY exciting!

What IS it in me that is worn to anything with a sheen, sparkle or shine? My hometown of Auburn, NY is notable for attracting millions of roosting crows every Autumn. Maybe I was one of these scavengers of glittery-items in a previous life? Not certain but I live for a fact that no matter how somber, matte, sophisticated or "mature." I try to be, there is ever something that has a bit of the bling on my body! It makes me glad and I can frankly say that evening a thin (UD makes THE best ones! of colored glitter liner on my lids or a megawatt sparkling topcoat on my toes never fails to makes people notice, smile and congratulate me so I'm stickin' with it!

There are of course, "degrees" of luminosity: you can apply adhesive to your eyelids and pressing on SERIOUSLY sequined particles (Two Faced or Hard Candy make great products for this effect) or simply leave a gentle dusting of finely-milled powder to remain like a butterfly kiss on your cheekbones! (MAC "Silver Dusk" powder you are mine for life! The magnificent and incredibly chic creators of Red Carpet worthy products at LORAC guided by the makeup artist divine, Carol Shaw (and yes,we DO absolutely adore this post at Megsmakeup! I have yet again come up with an irresistible and entirely NEW merchandise that may only let me gently shoving everything else on my vanity into a lot of sparkling sludge! A small glass bottle that is downright sexy contains their new LORAC "3D Liquid Lustre" Tinkerbelle has had her nose pressed up against my window for a week just dying for a fall of THIS little potion! (Actually a red cardinal has been beating itself against the window but let me make my fantasy!)

We've raved about the effects of the LORAC "3D Lipgloss" here at length and again,I was single handedly responsible for a sellout (almost a flash-mob! at Ulta on a Saturday. I unofficially demo'd the color for the fund manager who "had no idea" how innovative this color WAS! The shade "3D" is complete for a redhead but I coordinated and literally sold it to so many pretty girls that afternoon. I was as spent as the store with 20 minutes! The technology behind all of the LORAC 3D products is literally un-rivaled: their operation and advanced technology allows for an application that creates shine, dimension and an otherworldly"prismatic" effect that naught else can contend with! My precious vial of "3D Liquid Lustre" is being treated with almost ritualistic respect as I find I'm applying something rather special. You stimulate the phial and a sleek eyedropper allows you to deal a cast of the liquid, yes, liquid product onto your fingertip or other applicator. A line here: my ONLY complaint about the promotion is that the possibility of the glass vial itself is rather large so be measured not to talk any! I do use my finger tip but let also dispensed a drop onto a separate palette for application with a brush.you can then gently tap it onto your eyelids alone or over shadow, on your cheekbones, above your lip line or any where else you wish what is literally a cast of fluid light to highlight!

It's really that slow and the results are spectacular: you get a "glow" that somehow manages to be neither too harsh, too sparkly or too much of anything but beautiful! This is what Fairy Godmother's keep on hand for particular occasions and again, I haven't ever experienced a production that gives one quite the same ethereal effect! It has a "sparkle" but not "glittery" presence and lasts for hours!

I bear it to Zumba and sweat like a clown but it manages to stay angel-fresh and again, people find and Enjoy the special shine it gives all on it's own! You can/ should get creative and mix it with any other product you know and it's really incredible just lightly touched on as a topcoat over ANY great shadow-look you already use.You will be astounded at the transformation! ( check out Kelly Rowland's gorgeous eye makeup in the "Motivation" video.it's like THAT!!! :)

LORAC has a total winner with this "3D Liquid Lustre" product because those of us who are attracted to the "idle" will Know what this little bottle of liquid-loviness can do! I will repeat: open with care and be measured not too use too often or spill but I believe that wish me,you'll look like Cleopatra applying a precious elixir of love. Take the sentence to love the gilding the lily to the max with this truly special and suprisingly affordable product!This does NOT leave you a harsh,overly glittering, glaringly fake effect.it's a soft touch of somewhat that I'd allow even a new daughter to enjoy!

Buy it hither and as always, take time to love all that the fabulous LORAC site has to offer, it's on my once a week "guilty pleatrusteds" list and be sure to mark up for the LORAC VIP to receive amazing discounts and offers!

I've never enjoyed opening a new production with such anticipation before and LORAC exceeded my expectations with this product!

Do you too get a charge when you see something that is new and has the potentiality to pleasure and transform you or your surroundings?

Buy it here!

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