Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ravenous Rowie: Sciabica's Olive Oils Are Liquid Gold!

A pair of weeks ago the lovely people at Sciabica's Olive Oils sent me a package! *squeal* I love packages! Take a look-see at this loot!
I couldn't conceive how generous they were! I now tried out the lavender olive oil as a hand moisturizer, as suggested. It smells divine! It too has a nice silky feel on the skin, and surprisingly soaks in quick and isn't too oily!

I have since moved on to using it as a facial moisturizer too, and I know it! (consequently, my keyboard is now well oiled and smells nicely of lavender! hehe)

Before I dive into all of the uses I've put these delicious olive oils to, let me assure you a short bit about Sciabica family and their products. Here's a bit of information from their brochure. "The Sciabica Family has been producing olive oil since 1936, which makes us by far the oldest producer in California. All of our olive oils are 100% extra virgin, cold-pressed, unrefined, and 100% California grown and pressed." I know that this is a home business! There are three generations of Sciabica's working together to make this wonderful oil.
What I received in the post was a set of their flavored oils. They have developed a new work for creating this fresh flavor without any artificial flavors, and no infusion, which means no heat spoiling the oil. "Each is naturally crushed and cold pressed with its respective fruit or herb.Lemons, garlic, etc. travel with the olives through the presses!" That sounds pretty awesome! This is real quality!
Well, The information in the pamphlet was impressive, but the tone was beyond impressive! I never wish to run out of this stuff!
Here's some of the stuff I've been doing with my liquid gold. I coated some veggies with rosemary olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast them. YUM! I couldn't conceive how much fresh, real rosemary flavor came through!
I used the lime olive oil, and the jalapeno olive oil to gain a great southwestern tahini dressing. I used some Artisana tahini, 1/4 cup of each olive oil flavor, a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a bolt of coriander and a stir of filling a peppa sauce. I loved how good the passion of the jalapeno oil came through, and the tangyness of the lime.
This salad was served with some enchiladas that I made. I made them with some baked chicken, which I coated in the lime olive oil before it went into the oven. I added a bit more delicious lime flavor to the filling, and had a winner!
Double yum!
I get exploited the garlic olive oil in a tofu marinade, which had great flavor.
I can't expect to try the maize and orange oils on fish, and I actually need to try the basil oil with some balsamic vinegar as a bread dip! I am admittedly scared of the habenero olive oil, but that's only because I'm a heat wimp. I'll draw my husband try that one! I ever use olive oil when cooking, but I had never had experience using flavored oil before. I suppose I'm hooked! I know where to go for more, too! Check out the Sciabica's website for their premium olive oils, gift packs, recipes, vinegars, and cosmetics! This is the perfect secret weapon in any cooks kitchen! Did I say that I was impressed?! Oh, and please look out while I chug this bottle of garlic olive oil!

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