Monday, April 25, 2011

Home Recording News, Tips and Articles: Featured Equipment .

Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 Firewire Audio Interface

Liquid Saffire 56 is Focusrite`s new flagship 2U multi-channel firewireaudio interface. Liquid technology combines with Saffire PRO firewireinterfacing to have a legion of authentic pre-amp flavours, seamlesssoftware integration, excellent routing flexibility and future-proof,rock-solid driver stability.

Find out more near the Liquid Saffire 56

liquid56 Home Recording News, Tips and Articles: Featured Equipment .
Key FeaturesTwo Liquid Pre-amps
The union of a hugely flexible analogue front end with cutting-edgedynamic convolution DSP, each Liquid Pre-amp lets you select from tendifferent classic pre-amp emulations, with an eleventh `flat` option.
Six High Quality Award-winning Focusrite Pre-amps
Six award-winning Saffire pre-amps complement two Liquid pre-amps. Alleight pre-amps demonstrate the same wide bandwidth philosophy behind theearly vintage Focusrite units.
High Quality 24-bit/192kHz Firewire Interface
Professional digital conversion and JetPLLTM jitter eliminationtechnology; pristine audio quality and reliable synchronisation areguaranteed.
Total I/O Count of 28 Inputs and 28 Outputs
A horde of i/o options are provided*, including a unique loop-backfacility for routing audio between software applications via Saffire MixControl.
Suite of Focusrite VST/AU plug-ins
Upgrade your standard sequencer effects and get a hint of class toyour session with Focusrite Compression, Reverb, Gating and EQ VST/AUplug-ins.
Two separate headphone buses
Two artists can receive independent and fully customised monitor mixes.Each output has an independent level control available on the frontpanel.
Saffire Mix Control Zero-latency DSP Mixer/Router
Routing flexibility and intuitive one-click set-up solutions; SaffireMix Control provides an 18 x 16 DSP mixer with excellent output routingand monitoring capabilities.
Front panel 5-LED metering
LED metering for apiece of the analogue, ADAT1, ADAT2 or S/PDIF inputsoffers accurate viewing of levels direct from the front fascia.

Find out more near the Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56

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