I don't even think this giant coffee I got will do the trick today.
Wetook a 3 or 4 month leave from the YMCA. It wasn't that I didn't know it there (I really did), but we had gotten pretty busy and were paying more to NOT be there than we were to actually be there. Yesterday? Our 1st day back. My shoulder has been bothering me this week so I wanted to make things easy but the boys were chomping at the bit to be right cover at the Y.
They had been looking ahead to this.
Ate an early dinner with my husband and when he left to go to go we headed to the Y. For the start time ever I was staying in the activity room with them so they could work and I could just sit. I don't even think we were there a half hour, but I can't be sure. Some bigger kids started running and I saw the Big Guy's eyes lighting up as he tried to get in on it. He ran towards them. I actually got up to arrest him from working and no sooner had I taken like 3 steps and called his name he tripped and literally took flight. Like Superman (the shirt he happened to be wearing).
Hit his question right on the tree of one of those squarestep climber things. I live I ran to him but when I assure you I felt like everything was in slow motion, it was nuts. I picked him up as he screamed and then... the blood. I thinking I had seen blood before, but nothing (not yet the tongue) bleeds like a brain wound - down his head, eye, chest - me -everywhere. I knew I had to get pressure on it and get the gemini and go but I couldn't think completely true to put all those things together in the correct order. I thank GOD for this mom near me who rushed over to assist and told me what to do as she handed me a white onesie from her diaper bag and told me to take it to his head. Do you live I actually looked at her and said 'Oh no, I can't use this'?
We put it on his mind and she helped to strip us up with the antibacterial wipes we both had. The stave was so nice. They helped get the twins together. I was humiliated when they told me they had called the ambulance, I didn't need the fuss - orto wait. They helped me get the boys in the truck and only so the ambulance arrived - firetruck too. The twins were excited, chatting up the firefighters. The Big Guy was a mess. They put a band aide on his head, I signed a formand off we went to Hasbro.
In retrospect I should have just drivendown the street to Kent County, but all I could recall was I should go to Hasbro. We got there sometime between 5:30, quarter to 6 maybe? There I am with a bleeding 5 year oldwith a brain injury and two smaller children and by 8pm we Even had not been seen. My parents came and picked up the gemini and I was so grateful once they left. They had been so good but it actually took the added weight off once I knew it was simply the Big Guy and me.

Sometimes after 8:30pm we were told we were going downstairs. I didn't wish the strait of that, I didn't yet know there was a downstairs. Apparently it's where they try to fast track the easier cases when it's crazy busy in the ER. They hadn't been sure they could get the Big Guy because of stitches and all. Once we got down there I was so relieved to have dr's and nurses taking a see at him. Lots of tears, cleaning the injury and an orange ice pop (that I trust had some kind of music to quiet him low in it - he got all cracked and giggly), they made a decision to dermabond it.

I pushed for stitches at first. I didn't realize what the dermabond was and I was afraid it would burst back open. They explained how hard it was, it wouldn't split open and shouldn't leave a scar (where the stitches would) and I was sold. How I held it together I don't know, my eye was breaking to see him in such pain. My husband got there from work as they were dermabonding. They brought him to a way with a teen in it and he said 'Yeah that's not my son'. upon hearing the screaming coming from the Big Guy he said 'THAT would be my son'. and they followed the noise.
I was so relieved once he got there and variety of took over. My cell phone battery had died so he took out his so the Big Guy could get distracted and turn Angry Birds (yes even the boys are addicted to thatgame). The tension was exhausting.

We didn't get out of there till nearly 10pm and yet had to clean up the twins. Got the boys, got everyone home by 10:30 and into bed. Which is disturbed when their bedtime is 7/7:30 usually.
Did not expect to get the Big Guy to cultivate this morning, but he is such a trooper. He really pushed to go, wanted to be there. Did not need to miss pre-K today. So against my better judgement I took him in, feeling like it was a dependable sign. I've waited all morning for that song to do get him but it has not come. Which thankfullymeans he's doing fine. I still don't know how he didn't get a concussion.
I open up that bloody onesie last night to see it said something like my auntie loves me. I felt terrible we finished it. I am so grateful for that mom's kindness and help, as good as the staff at the Y. They really helped keep me sane.
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