Friday, April 29, 2011

Flight Liquid Ban Partly Lifted In EU - Airwise News

A ban on passengers taking liquids on aircraft will be partly lifted in the European Union from Friday, but up to half of the EU's 27 member states are expected to neglect the change, citing security concerns.

Passengers flying from non-EU countries to or through the European bloc will be allowed to take onboard duty free goods containing liquids, aerosols and gels.

A full lifting of the ban is scheduled for April, 2013.

Carrying more than 100 ml of liquid onboard aircraft has been prohibited since 2006, when British police uncovered a game to float up transatlantic airliners bound for North America using bombs made from liquid explosives.

Several EU member states, particularly those with busy airport hubs, remain staunchly opposed to a softening of the ban, saying there are even widespread security concerns.

France has said it leave not have office in the partial lifting of the ban, saying its military engagement in Afghanistan and Libya makes it a possible target and that it wants to maintain the tightest possible security.

European airports association ACI Europe said in January lifting the ban too soon - before technology is in order to find possible liquid explosives - could threaten aircraft security. It has called Friday's deadline "overly ambitious".

While many passengers, long frustrated by the limits on carrying liquids on aircraft, will urge the change, the fact some major countries are not taking part means there is probably to be continued confusion and defeat for passengers.

An EU source said about half the EU's member states were not expected to give the formula change today, although only one or two countries have formally applied for a derogation - permission to opt out of the variety in legislation.

Companies that operate airport shops are great to see an end to the ban, which is expected to go to an increment in sales of alcohol, perfume and other products sold in quantities over 100 ml.

Airports group ACI said that in principle it supported the full lifting of the ban, but said current liquids-scanning equipment was "bad for purpose" - not sure to get all potential liquid explosives that power be smuggled.

The partial lifting of the ban has already been postponed for a class as a termination of resistance from EU member states, who raised concerns about the character of the liquids-scanning machines and the possible ramifications for security.

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