Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Daily Electronics Reviews

Review by kireviewer for Lawn BoyRating: Released in 1990, this was Phish`s first "official" release.It was their start CD and their first on a major label.Their very first album was Junta, but it was only sold on cassettes at concerts at the time (it later got an expanded CD release).Lawn Boy is approximately 46 minutes long and the audio quality is really good.

It sounds a lot like what it is.

he first major loss by an up and coming band.It is a little looser than later releases, and the bands sound isn`t quite set yet.

This CD features much more soft than later CD`s will.It gives the whole album somewhat of a British Progressive Rock texture.Many of the openings to the songs sound like they could be from Gentle Giant.

There appears to be other influences mixed into the sound.Some of the guitar playing is redolent of Frank Zappa.And existence a jam band, the look to mix some Jerry Garica guitar style here and there.

This is a nice aggregation of songs, with a few exceptions.Phish was still playing most of these songs in concert up until they time they disbanded.You can`t say that some most of Phish`s albums, where just a few songs would do it to their concert play lists.

But, most of the songs do hold the same problems that most of Phish`s work, silly, or ridiculous lyrics.The lyrics sometimes are simply something that the radical can later jam off of.

There are some problems with the production values on some of the songs, especially with the vocals.It is gets really bad when the band tries to harmonize.Some songs are a little disjointed.On Reba, which is 12 minutes long, the first 4 minutes are merely a waste, with bad vocals, disjointed music and about of the worst Phish lyrics of all time.

But, get rid of the first 4 minutes of Reba, and suffer the two short tracks, My Sweet One and Oh Kee Pa Ceremony, and you make a jolly good CD with about 40 minutes of nice music and singing.

The song Lawn Boy is a dainty little bluesy number.I wonder why Phish couldn`t have done more like this.

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