Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Great Rom Liquid Team! Just take a short input. - Droid Forum .

Great Rom Liquid Team! Just take a short input...
Hello Everyone,

I'm a new poster as you can see but have been monitoring this place for a fairly long time. Not much for conversation I guess! Anyways, just wanted to make out mega props to the Swimming team for a well built rom. I've ever found out through testing other roms that there was that some thing that I didn't like but with Liquid everything seems to be on point.

The biggest complaint I've had with other roms was redraws and force-closes etc. Not with Liquid, so I wish to say thank you and a contribution will be coming your way!

As a long time rooted user, I'm still pretty new to the technical expression of things ie) frameworks, kernels, and all that jazz. One thing I did notice, last night while I was at school, I was outside (it was jolly cold) and noticed my battery drop from 80 to 50 while using the scientific calculator app. I'm currently on Liquid 1.31, running Raidzero 800 mhz kernel set at 600 mhz and didn't know why such a thing would of happened. What kernels would everyone recommend? I have tried alot of them but don't actually love what I'm looking for, but do know some kernels make my phone extremely hot and wish to steer clear from that. I too had the governor set on coservative at the time, but switched it over to interactive when I got home to see if that would do any bit of difference. Being non-technical in this look of the whole rooting thing, just wanted to see if ya'll had any remark to why this may have happened. One other thing, my ringtones are set in the media/audio/ringtones folder and read up to set custom ringtones to my contacts, but they don't call when that someone calls??? Any ideas for my minor issues would be a big service and I'll take your input and advice and see what happens. Is there something I should add or a project I should complete? Thanks for the time, and Liquid Team, Thanks again for a kickin' ROM.

Last edited by BSchnur6; Yesterday at 09:59 AM.

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