This is probably what's on your head right now and, at Liquipedia, we're no different really. As the chroniclers of StarCraft history, the proclamation of the third TeamLiquid StarLeague brought us the chance to read history as it was being made. As Liquipedia is partly of TeamLiquid, we will do our share.
Today we present you to the first inklings of what will be the best fucking article on Liquipedia ever. TSL3
We plan on recording a TON of material concerning the event. Looking at the tabs there a no less than eight (so far!).Let's dive into the beginning two. The Overview pretty much offers a digest of all the material we already know: a bit of history, the making process and the tournament's structure. The Seeds tab offers an overview of the three players already qualified through TSL2. You'll notice Mondragon doesn't take lots of a LP page yet - maybe some fanboys can measure up and aid us take the gaps?The Qualification process will shortly commence. In this the TeamLiquid SC2 Opens will encounter a vast role. Not merely leave the winners advance directly into TSL, there's also a Points system we'll be keeping track of.
TeamLiquid Openby Pholon
The TeamLiquid Opens all take their individual articles on Liquipedia. We keep track of appointment and time, final 16, and of course eventual winners etc. Clicking the yoke above will show you the overview where it is explained what TL Opens are. Scrolling down a bit you'll get the links to the individual Opens' pages.For the TSL, the following eight TL Opens are leaving to be extremely important. The first TL:Open that's around the tree is TL:Open #8. The page is already set up, but during and afterwards the case we need it to be tip-top okay.This is how you can contribute! For the following 8 weeks we'll be looking to get the better we can out of these articles. Brackets and results speak for themselves, but feel free to add any additional stuff like battle reports and (winner) interviews.Lastly, shoutouts to Sqalevon and flicky for keeping these articles up-to-date so far!
When the actual tournament kicks off, we plan on making the page concerning The Matches absolutely gigantic. Think battle reports, links to strategies used, VODs, post-match interviews. You mention it. Another section that we trust will be huge is the Statistics page. With this huge ambitious project we'll take a lot of contributors though. Do you need to write battle reports of your favorite player, keep track of what Colossus racks up the most kills or flesh out what map is the imbalancedest? Join us in our endeavours, cause remember:
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The most fun though will be the Gallery. This is where all peripherals go. The plug and intro videos, the artwork, the music, the fan-made cheerfuls, the memes. EVERYTHING. I've said it before but I'll say it once more. This will be the best fucking article ever. So if you wish to add in even the smallest way, please please do. Want to produce a segment near the casters? Maybe the maps? Or maybe list the funnest quotes somewhere. Visit us on Quakenet (#liquipedia or click me) and we'll get you a spot!In other news, congratulations to salle and Kokkan! As they have been valuable assets to our ever growing pool of contributors, we recently promoted these two guys. Welcome to the crew!Cya on the wiki, Liquipedia staff Useful Liquipedia Links:Liquipedia Feedback ThreadPM a Liquipedia Staff Member: Aesop, Pholon, Imperator, Mystlord,Steeeeve, TheFallofTroy, SlugbreathThis TSL is sponsored by, the world's largest poker school and community. With hundreds of Poker VODs and an variety of learning material in 18 different languages, offers the risk for aspiring Poker players to take from a father to a master level. Sign up using TL's referral link.
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